Friday, April 3, 2015

The gap between the teeth. Probably heard this phrase, he will not look very attractive. However, t

The gap between the teeth. Probably heard this phrase, he will not look very attractive. However, the tension really thought, it is added that such a thing has a lot of stars, models. Also, we examine the magazine covers may see a lot of people with a gap between your teeth. Why the gap between his teeth as a Hot Topic? Maybe people just fed up with perfection? I've always been fascinated by the naturalness. I'm really more beautiful than the artificial nose, "butulininės' lips as well as winning over me. For the same reason, I am fascinated by people and the space between the teeth. When we see everywhere perfectly sorted, grazia mag nubalintus, polished teeth and smiles of Hollywood, the small gap to man the naturalness, the uniqueness of this perfect world. It is like a reflection of the fact that what nature has given us, we have to be proud of, enjoy and love. Probably the first she came into fashion this thing was a singer Madonna. Originally grazia mag gap between its teeth were not considered standard of beauty, but over time more and more fashion, performance and music horizon we saw people with spaces between the teeth. Many believe that this gap gives a girl or woman's sexuality. However, up to you. Here is the famous girl with spaces between your teeth:
2012 (9) April (9) Sunday evening grazia mag party GAP RINGS CHANEL New stuff Model: Lindsey grazia mag Wixson My Diana F + Meanwhile in London It's all about fashion

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