Monday, April 6, 2015

2013 (3) April (3) 2012 (14) December (2) June portrayal hermaphrodites (2) April (2)

Of feminism, the androgynous discussions related to the dismantling of patriarchal gender critique of the myth, but also about the pursuit of theoretical and policy issues in the ideal world of gender relations. The basic proposition of liberal feminism is that women are as human beings part of, should have the same rights and freedoms as men. In response, as the traditionally female human nature, such as the last issue, liberal feminists gender and politics argue that women tend to nature in all respects with the traditional male is also different. In Friedan (Betty Friedan), for example, her early pursuit of all women, like men, like any abandoned feminine qualities, in order to achieve self-realization space, which means that the ideal of femininity is masculine, the woman must pursue "more gender and politics masculine "to be liberated. Overall, gender and politics as a strategy gender and politics to fight for equality, liberal feminism more emphasis on masculine gender and politics nature and femininity within the same as men. The basic proposition is that of radical feminism / gender system is the root cause of women's oppression. Radical feminists believe liberal gender and politics gender roles and relationships between biological sex is false, advocates women should dare to express masculinity, gender and politics Millett (Millett) advocated caution the desirable combination of masculine and feminine qualities ideal hermaphrodite; Firestone (Firestone) even think to borrow so that women of reproductive technology to get rid of the female reproductive role, so that women (and men) can independently blend masculine and feminine qualities, their common goal is to become the ideal break androgynous gender the role of women bondage. Liberal and radical feminism is different, radical cultural feminism had to find the strength and value of women from the feminine qualities / femininity, the French (Marilyn French) ideal society is the individual men and women more enthusiastic to accept the value of feminine qualities, such as "shared joy" of consciousness, her mind is more emphasis on the feminine qualities hermaphrodite individuals. Another radical feminist cultural faction Daly (Mary Daly) believe gender and politics that masculinity is not any valuable elements hermaphrodite only male lure women to join their forces trap. The advocates of women to get rid of feminine qualities built man, played the origin of femininity. gender and politics She did not believe masculine men (virile men) can have a feminine gender and politics / femininity (femininity / femaleness), which implies a tendency to separate from the male lesbian strategy. Psychoanalytic Feminism care how childhood experiences influence the development of a person's sex temperament. Such as Hall inside (Karen gender and politics Horney) hypothesis, after shaping the culture from a patriarchal gender and politics society, women and men can develop different femininity / masculinity, a blend of desirable feminine and masculine qualities androgynous society is possible. Gender gender and politics feminists more from a combination of psychological and cultural point of view and to analyze the formation of gender gender and politics temperament. Gillette root (Carol Gilligan) tend to explore the feminine qualities of strengths as, with the French point of view similar temperament feminine women should insist that men should abandon those extreme masculinity, more acceptable feminine care ethics. gender and politics On behalf of the existence gender and politics of feminist Simone de Beauvoir advocate of women should be separated from "otherness" of the role and seeking to become "self-existence as" (being-for-itself), she stressed gender and politics that women should participate in the public sphere in order to overcome the slave affairs position. Androgynous ideal strategy does not seem to her, in "The Second Sex", she did not think the first set of femininity, women can be feminine qualities transcend governed by changing social status / system. In this regard, she is close to the liberal feminist gender and politics trend masculine point of view. Postmodern feminists like Cixous (Helene Cixous), Elisha Gray (Luce Irigary) and Kristeva (Julia Kristeva) is committed to breaking the binary opposition, focusing on the differences, although they focus on the negative and practice of writing, the philosophy will become hegemonic masculinity freed from the trap, but they realize gender and politics that to label things, we can say, feminine / masculine, feminine qualities / masculinity, even hermaphrodites are they going to go beyond the concept but can not discuss. "(Gender differences in ethics) is not opposed to anything, do not conflict with anything gender and politics that happened ...... I can never replace a man, men can never replace me, whether gender and politics they can transform what they do not have identity ...... interchangeability. "
2013 (3) April (3) 2012 (14) December (2) June portrayal hermaphrodites (2) April (2) March (2) February (4) January (2) 2011 (4) December (4)

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