Monday, September 22, 2014

The Ministry of Transport and Communications announced that as of tractors since 2009 when they amo

It requires professional drivers through 4,000 vacancies | Republic Online
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The Ministry of Transport and Communications announced that as of tractors since 2009 when they amounted to only 6357, of 10.770 parallel increasing demand for mini- mum 4413 people as professional drivers.
Zemjavata has increased the number ginza menu of trucks supermoderni, after which they need for professional drivers. General Secretary of the Association of Employers Associations of transport companies "trouble-Trans" says Biljana Muratovska ginza menu in this period appeared persons priucheni and found a way to employ although does not fully meet all standradi as inevitable to be a professional driver.
The number of vehicles has grown more than the ability to have the appearance of a new generation of drivers and therefore at this point feels a lack of drivers, because they do not exist objectively. Any driver leaving the retired or with another employer in state or out of bounds, so reducing the possibility to find another ginza menu experienced who can immediately replace the one that left, highlights Muratovska.
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