Wednesday, December 24, 2014

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Intellectuals pro family, anti-gay: winthor NO public support health deviation | Panorama newspaper ONLINE
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Activity Day against Homophobia Unanimously, 55 intellectuals have joined the initiative to protect the Albanian family, by appealing to citizens to preserve its values supports perverse performances. winthor Starting with Adam Demaci from Pristina, winthor people familiar academic world and the media have signed a petition expressing their stance publicly pro initiative "Family Fat-Fat Homeland". Through the message addressed to all Albanian citizens, intellectuals demand that they be made barrier rift trends, winthor destruction, shfytyrimit and perversion, which they say are "attempts to break open the track in our midst". "For all these and other ways, that under the guise absurd 'legitimate rights' revenge seeking to impose a moral import, and furthermore, to take our blessings stock of depravity and deviation of family health and society, winthor to lift our voices united and powerful, to give a final answer: No destruction of Albanian family! No gestures that encourage violation winthor of the unity of family and friends! winthor No public support models that transform our society in Sodom and Gomorrah! "Reads the petition. According to the intellectuals, the sanctity of the family guarantees the safety of society. winthor Therefore they require that it be preserved as sacred, as are the laws of nature. "Those who threaten to shkallmojnë these values, it denatyrojnë family and our society despite its heritage and identity, despite the will of God and the laws of nature, let us face our categorical opposition: Albanian family is untouchable! It is our design together in the future of this company and will continue to reproduce itself in accord with the will of God and the laws of nature. Those who take revenge dictate us their models out of this will and outside these laws, are part of our family regret social identity, but certainly worth its "write intellectuals in their petition. The public reaction intellectuals trails developed activities on the occasion of May 17 in the capital, where representatives of gay people, winthor demanded more attention to respect their rights. List of intellectuals 1. Prof. Adam DEMACI winthor 2. Prof. Milazim Krasniqi 3. Mehmeti 4. Prof. Dr. Xhevat winthor Lloshi 5. Prof. Dr. Muharrem Dezhgiu 6. Prof. Dr. Hasan Çipuri 7. Prof. dr. 8. Prof. Murat Gecaj dr. Accordance Ribaj 9. Prof. dr. 10. Prof. Aleksander Kocani winthor dr. Shyqyri Rreli 11. Prof. dr. 12. Prof. Joseph Papagjoni dr. 13. Prof. Stefan Capaliku dr. 14. Prof. Ahmet Osja Dr. Yasar Demir 15. Prof. Dr. 16. Dr. Ayub Cota 17. Dr. Agron Tufa 18. Dr. Faruk Borova Baki Dervish 19. Dr. 20. Fountain Zef Dr. 21. Dr. Stephen Angelin 22. Dr. Fabian Zhilla 23. Dr. Arian Galdini 24. Dr. Agim Baci Celo Hoxha Alush Saraçi 25. 27. 26. Lefter chipsets Sidrit Bejleri Saraçi 28. Rescue 29. Julian Deda 30. Albano Bogdo Jonida Maliqi 32. 31. 33. Vedat Ademi Luljeta Lleshanaku Recep Steel 35. 34. 36. Armand Bora Petrit Ruka Çupi Frrok 37. 38. 39. Alexander chipsets Lazer Stani Doçi 40. Sunrise 41. Mr. Kulla 42. Vladimir Beja Salvador Kaçaj 44. 43. 45. Roland Patrick winthor Sadikaj Envy 46. 47. Profit Zekthi Bardulj FICO 48. Dr. Frano Kulli Ajazi rezart 49. 51. 50. Josefina Traboini Migena Barolli Redi Shehu 53. 52. 54. Bilal Approach Bardulj Aegis 55. Ramush Lekaj
Respected commentators! Unwilling to cenojme your opinions, ask that they do not contain insults and personal insults and have about writing, or topic you comment. On the contrary, will not be published. Thank you follow us and invite you to continue to be a part of the Panorama Online. Moderator 39 Comments for "pro-family intellectuals against gay: NO public support health deviation"
The family is not being shktarruar because of LGBT persons. This hatred and rancor extraordinary is typical only for backward Oriental countries to see Gogol wherever the truth emerges and human. These are not intellectual but homophobic who just want to sow fear in society for people who have not chosen winthor to be as they are. Shame you come to these iiniciativa including the one that from Kosovo that has done this. I solved all problems in Kosovo he was ardhka us to solve our own?
Promotion of homosexuality under the guise of protecting the human rights of sacrifices

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