Sunday, December 21, 2014

LIFESTYLE Fashion View Kitchen Relations Recreation Shopping Mama

LIFESTYLE Fashion View Kitchen Relations Recreation Shopping Mama & Bebe Sport Football Tennis Basketball Moto GP Formula1 Other Health Research INFO Social Science History EDUCATION Children Lions School Library Career Counselling Courses ART stars Profile World Cinema my lifetime makeover Theater Events Exhibition spectacle my lifetime makeover TOURISM Sea Mountain Culture & Tradition Archaeology & History Abroad DESIGN refurbishments Clothing Architecture Graphic Gardening
This is where internet often begins hell. In Dante's hell, this is the circle of people who do not accept Christ, but neither sin. They are "innocent" cursed, doomed to live in a heavenly version of the first round. This is where most people my lifetime makeover fall.
In Internet circles of hell, the innocent are often only in the pages of Facebook, Twitter my lifetime makeover and Gmail. If you often only in these three countries, you are a normal person, who has not sinned. You are an innocent convict the world of Internet. You do not need to go further beyond the circles of hell. 2. Lust = Porn Online
Sinners in the second round conquer lust and their appetites for sex, they dance their ability to be reasonable. Their punishment is to be tormented by a violent storm that symbolizes the futility of sex. In hell the Internet, sinners who are addicted, or immersed my lifetime makeover in the Internet pornography punished by having to watch the pop-ads, and anything else unusual about these videos.
To symbolize chance and disorientation of lust, advertising will continue to come one after another and they will remain forever in the browser you, for when you want to close to "x", you just have opened a new advertisement my lifetime makeover . Ever, will suffer from these, my lifetime makeover while Killed my lifetime makeover in pornography computer viruses. 3. Gorge = The fantaksur after blogs
Excessive abuse in food and drink, leaves a blind sinner and forced to stand in icy llucën. In this circle of hell on the Internet, you are forced to stare endlessly at food blogs - countless pictures of salad, French food and hamburger, posts them on Facebook, my lifetime makeover and blogs full of complicated and boring recipes. Using the Internet to talk about food, the sinner must stare pages with "porn" my lifetime makeover food, but never be able to cook, or eat a delicious meal from what he sees.
During this circle of hell, sinners are saved by a giant worm and are shackled my lifetime makeover in handcuffs Tumblr and Pinterest, believed that the soul of this giant worm. We do not know which is worse. 4. Greed = Beginners
This circle of Hell is for people who put aside goods, or who care for the property. Hell of a novice on the Internet appear when they shamelessly bombarding their friends and family, asking for money for their projects stupid.
The sentence in this circle of hell on the Internet is constantly raising money for something, that you are working and always comes emptying credit card or PayPal account. You will never make your project a reality independent! Hahaha! 5. Anger = Hate to read
This is where sinners angry fight each other in the area. This level of hell on the Internet is characterized by "hate to read." Sinners in this district are forced to hate blogs that go against everything. They believe in themselves, but are never allowed to write a blog. NEVER! This means that feminists would have to read "men's rights" to Reddit, or angry Inter fans will see those messages Juventus and "30 things ... to read the site". As many. Ooooh, Ahhhhh. 6. Heresy = decrease in the holes "K"
Heresy means lack of confidence and this circle of hell on the Internet is for those Internet absorbed by holes "K" and lose all their faith in humanity. my lifetime makeover Perhaps you start your day with sunshine and coffee, ready to be a productive member my lifetime makeover of society, but then you click a link, then another, then another and soon everything you darken and you are still before my lifetime makeover the laptop in bed. You have failed. You have fallen prey to the hole "C". You are a lazy waste of space. You read so many reviews online wretched idiot, that you now hate people. All people. Everywhere.
In this version of Dante's hell, you're trapped in a fiery grave punishment. Internet my lifetime makeover equivalent hell is that you can not ever leave your bed. You are choosing not to participate in active life and will have no choice. Your bed is your grave fiery, full of dirty sheets and bad chips! 7. Violence = Games Online

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