Friday, November 21, 2014

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Company takes campaign to give away educational games for people with autism
Autism and Employment
The presence of altered sensitivity is not part of the diagnostic telebrand products in pakistan criteria of ASD, but many parents say in consultations hyposensitivity or hypersensitivity problems in children with autism. telebrand products in pakistan
Faced with a possible case, the first thing is always to start with an analysis of sensory functioning, be sure that it works correctly sense that there is an underlying telebrand products in pakistan organic disorder. In some cases, the family may think that the child does not hear well, it does not respond when called. But when the music of your favorite series or sounds heard something telebrand products in pakistan in the kitchen that can mean good news, he runs away from the other end of the house. In some cases, the child may demonstrate a hypersensitivity reaction to a sudden and unexpected sound like a cough, the phone ringing telebrand products in pakistan or music television. It was thought that the auditory hypersensitivity could be linked to abnormal function of the hair cells of the inner ear but that option telebrand products in pakistan has been discarded and thinks it may have to do with early dysfunction of the cochlea, with abnormalities in the auditory pathway or with an altered functioning of the primary auditory cortex.
Regarding the touch, there is a wide degree of anomalous behavior. There are children who do not like to be hugged or touched it does not mean they do not want to feel loved. Rejecting others show some surfaces, textures, types of tissue or footwear. telebrand products in pakistan In some cases, the differences telebrand products in pakistan are level: some discomfort for any child who can complain, as clothing labels seem to affect a much more powerful way children with ASD. By contrast, there are children who seek intense contact, often of inanimate objects. They can like it or getting into a soothing spa surrounded by cushions or may have a favorite hiding place is a narrow space in a cabinet, between telebrand products in pakistan a cabinet and a wall or between furniture and floor where they feel protected and calm. Temple telebrand products in pakistan Grandin, autism telebrand products in pakistan science, a machine designed to "hug" the animals for a similar calming effect she experienced and sought.
Other children with ASD like to experiment with an exaggerated form of vestibular stimulation, which controls balance, enjoying games such as swings, spinning wildly or bounce. You may have to do with the characteristic swings of some children with autism, a type of movement that gives them pleasure or comfort them.
In the case of vision, have been some peculiar behaviors like watching a toy up close or have a picture of a room in the corner of the eye, without turning his head. It would be a way to use the eye as we produce we hassles or headaches, but it seems that these children please.
Regarding the hyposensitivity, there are publications that show a reduced sensitivity to pain, or what is the same a high threshold for pain, which may be also related injury and self-harm. By not suffer so much pain, these children are more likely to be caused injuries and even fractures. telebrand products in pakistan
Sensory pathways are largely connected with the driving routes. Have also seen motor problems in children with autism. The milestones to be achieved in the engine development during childhood are overdue by more than 33% of cases. Disorders of gait such as walking on tiptoe and problems with balance and coordination have also been found as major abnormalities in posture in children with ASD.
Walking the relationship between autism and sensory deficits to the contrary, it has been seen that people who have a sensory deficit in both sight and hearing, may show more often than the normal population, a symptom of autism. Carvill (2001) found in congenitally blind individuals, the presence of behaviors similar to those of children telebrand products in pakistan with ASD. These blind children from birth have motor behaviors

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