Monday, November 17, 2014

2. My sensory perceptions are altered. Sensory integration is probably the most difficult aspect of

I have autism. I am not primarily "autistic". My autism is only one aspect of my personality. It does not define me as a person. Are you a person with thoughts, feelings and many talents, or just a big a cuatrojos or awkward?
As an adult, marcus tomlinson you have some control over how you define. marcus tomlinson If you want to highlight a specific feature, you can do it. As a child, I'm developing. Neither you nor I yet know what I'm capable of. Define me as one of my characteristics carries the risk of setting low expectations.
2. My sensory perceptions are altered. Sensory integration is probably the most difficult aspect of autism to understand, but arguably marcus tomlinson one of the most critical. marcus tomlinson It means that the sights, sounds, smells, tastes and textures of everyday life that you may not notice it, prove me even painful. The very environment in which I live often seems hostile to me. I may appear withdrawn or belligerent to you but really just trying to defend myself. See how a "simple" trip to the grocery store may be hell for me, the speaker marcus tomlinson shouting out the daily specials. The music blaring from the amplifiers. The cash register beeps and reverberate. A coffee grinder snorts. Butcher saws creak, cry babies, shopping carts creak, the fluorescent lights hum ... My brain can not filter many stimuli and purser me! My sense of smell may be highly sensitive. The fish is very fresh, the lord waiting next to us has not bathed today are giving away sausage samples, the baby in front in the queue has a smelly diaper, has broken a jar of pickles on aisle three ... I can not deal with so many stimuli! I'm going to be sick! Since I am visually oriented, perhaps this is the first sense in supersaturated. The fluorescent light is not only too bright, it buzzes and hums. I think all the space beats and my eyes hurt. The flashing light is reflected everywhere and distorts marcus tomlinson what I see - I think the space is constantly changing. It is the glare from windows, too many items to look at and I can not concentrate, ceiling fans spinning ... so many bodies in constant motion! All this affects my vestibular and proprioceptive senses, and now I can not even determine the location of my own body in space.
Receptive and expressive language and vocabulary can represent me formidable challenges. It's not that I do not pay attention to instructions. This is what I can not understand. When you call me from across the room, this is what I hear:
Instead, come and talk to me directly, in plain words: "Please put your book on the desk, Billy is lunch time.." So I you indicate what you want to do and what will happen. Then it will be much easier for me to follow your instructions.
This means I interpret language very literally. It's very confusing when you say, "Stop your horses, cowboy!" marcus tomlinson when what you really mean is "Please do not run." Tell me you do not do something is "sucked" when there is no candy in sight and what you really mean is "This task will be very easy." When you tell me that "it's marcus tomlinson raining buckets," I seek the seas. Just tell me "It's raining very hard." The idioms, puns, nuances, double understood, inference, marcus tomlinson metaphors, allusions and sarcasm are lost on me.
I can hardly tell you what I need when I do not know the words to describe my feelings. You may be hungry, I feel frustrated, frightened or confused but right now those words are beyond my ability to express myself. Be alert to my body language, my withdrawal, agitation or other signs that something is wrong. Or, conversely, you may sound like a "little professor" or movie star, referring to words or complete marcus tomlinson beyond my developmental age hyphens. These are messages I have memorized from my environment to compensate for my language deficits marcus tomlinson because I know you are supposed to respond when spoken to. It is possible that you learned in books, television, or listening to the language of others. This is called "echolalia." Not necessarily understand the context or the terminology I'm using. Just know that drives me trouble when I answer.
Please show me how to do something rather than just telling me. And please be prepared to show me many times. The consistent repetition helps me learn. A visual schedule helps me a lot throughout the day. Like you with your schedule, schedule, stress relieved me of having to remember what fol

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