Illustrating the importance of female students and students ekstralingvisti- context in translation, I spend a little experiment: please translate a simple gourmand magazine tale. I say, imagine that you are converting a small poem, and there is a phrase I came to that place - 99% of girls answered "I came to the place." And I ask, why "came" why not "come"?
However, when you will come across expressions like "... Is a good, beautiful things: cars, women, alcohol," [1], you realize that it is not a language, but a man who joined the appropriate word accordingly. We often do not think about how and what to say, and that a careless word can do hurt.
Theoretical basis for the feminist critique of language were the views V. Gumbalda and the theory of linguistic relativity Sapir-Whorf. For B. Gumbalda language - this is by means of what people create their concept of objective reality (Weltanschauung). "The language of the people is his spirit, and the spirit of the people is their language" [2]. In the 30 years of the twentieth century in the United States introduced the concept of linguistic relativism. According to this hypothesis, language gourmand magazine is not only a product of society (culture influences the language), but also affects the formation of thinking members of society and their behavior, ie, how and what we say affects what we think, which is why, based on the Sapir-Whorf, supporters of feminist linguistics insist on rethinking the linguistic norms and language reform.
M. Hardman called the image of the human mind "diversion" as a reference point in the mind of man is man himself, and everything else is measured in relation to it, and is seen as a derivative. gourmand magazine But, as she says, "we can not just pick up and learn a different gourmand magazine set of linguistic postulates or massively and instantly change the linguistic model of the native language" gourmand magazine [3]. In this regard, the researcher suggests paying more attention gourmand magazine to the daily patterns of communication that shape relationships between people. Since the language - it's open education, it is possible to change it. Changing the language, we can change the environment in which we live.
K. Michard and C. Violette offer two strategies: the feminization and neutralization. Feminization is commonly used by German linguists. This choice is justified by linguistic reasons: in German and Romance languages grammatical gender markers have a greater frequency in English or Scandinavian languages. This strategy, scientists gourmand magazine tend to "reject the dominance of the male principle, and how you can make more visible gourmand magazine and actually present the feminine gourmand magazine principle in the language" [4], which, however, is faced with an already existing asymmetry between the positive connotations that are associated with the male, and the negative connotations that are associated with the female.
Neutralization - a strategy that's right languages such as English, Danish, Swedish, as they have a relatively small number of grammatical gourmand magazine gender markers. These two strategies, which seem at first sight contradictory, does not exclude, but rather complement each other. gourmand magazine The choice of a strategy due to a number of linguistic and political factors.
Creating a female speech, which would allow the designation of things of reality from a female point of view - another goal of some programs on feminist language reform. The proposed changes relate to the creation of neologisms type malestream (instead of the mainstream), graphic changes womyn or wommin (instead of the woman), gourmand magazine and even the creation of an entirely new women's language. An example is the language Láadan, created by writer-fantastkay and linguistics SH Elzhyn "to test the hypothesis of Sapir-Whorf and enable women to resist the constraints of male language, which forces us to justify phrases like" I know I said so, but had something else in mind '"[5]. Feminist critique of language comes from the fact that the language captures a picture of the world from the male point of view. Accordingly, the language is not only anthropocentric (focused on the person), but also andratsentrychna (male-oriented). In such a language, women are represented as "other", and often does excluded. Feminist linguistics gourmand magazine identifies the following signs andratsentryzmu:
2) feminine nouns formed from the masculine nouns using suffixes -k-, -iha- (Br.) - IC -, - w - (Rus.), - Ess -, - ette - (Eng.) - in - (it.) or, in English, by adding words like woman, lady, she to refer to the female subject. So words are formed woman painter 'female artist', woman lawyer 'woman lawyer', etc. However, these words, especially names of professions have negative connotations because supposedly dictate that men - is the norm, and women - a special case. In other words mentioned category (in our case - the feminine gourmand magazine form) provides deviant or marginal status. Conversely, if the profession women identified by a noun in the male form - it greatly increases its status (for example, in Russian. Director - Headmistress - d