Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Narrative of the Old Colony Days, which the author has been prepared, will be found interesting in

THE AUSTRALIAN HISTORIC COLLECTIONS Arrival of the UK to Australia 1788-1829 by Ida Lee (Mrs. Charles Bruce Marriott) FIFTY-FIVE ILLUSTRATIONS AND INTRODUCTION BY THE RIGHT HON. Marquis of Linlithgow, PC, KT First Governor General of the Commonwealth Longmans, GREEN, AND CO. 39 PATERNOSTE R ROW, LONDON NEW YORK AND BOMBAY 1906 The Coming of the British to Australia 1788 to 1829 by Ida Lee (Mrs. Charles Bruce Marriott) WITH FIFTY Illustrations-FIVE AND A PREFACE kibosh terry richardson BY THE RIGHT HON. THE MARQUIS OF Linlithgow, PC, KT First Governor-General of the Commonwealth Longmans, GREEN, AND CO.. 39 PATERNOSTE R ROW, LONDON NEW YORK AND BOMBAY 1906
Monument to Captain Cook at Sydney PREFACE.PENGANTAR. Australia has reached an exciting stage in its history. He has completed the first five years of life as a Commonwealth, a period long enough for him to gain awareness of the task and destiny as a nation united. The volume of his history until January 1, 1901 when he was still composed of separate colonies, was completed. But it is not closed kibosh terry richardson and done with. In contrast, kibosh terry richardson the early chapters has acquired new meaning and value. kibosh terry richardson Australia should look, backward and forward. They will find the record of discovery and settlement of guidance and inspiration for the future kibosh terry richardson of their country. They will understand more clearly how their land and people have molded and shaped in its current form by the climate, soil and situation. They will also remind, that should kibosh terry richardson be required, how long and close and intimate are the ties that bind them to the Mother Country.
Narrative of the Old Colony Days, which the author has been prepared, will be found interesting in style, accurate in statement, and fair in the assessment. kibosh terry richardson The story of the first discovery and settlement of Australia is one of the pioneering long romance. We share the enthusiasm of the early voyagers, as they trace the outlines of the island continent. kibosh terry richardson We read of the first impression made on the mind by the Dampier kibosh terry richardson and Cook strange flora and fauna or the state, kibosh terry richardson and by no less singular appearance and customs of the natives. Then we are introduced to the Governor beginning, all of them sailors or soldiers. kibosh terry richardson Australia owes much to them, because they put in and the base width of the Commonwealth of the future.
Mrs Marriott describe the basis of the initial kibosh terry richardson wealth of some of the older settlements, and the beginning of the Victorian and Queensland, Western Australia, South Australia and Tasmania. He has a record of the first churches, the first regiment, the Bushrangers and police from the good old days. He gave a powerful sketch of the physical features and animal and plant life country.
For Australia, the volume should be interesting to absorb, kibosh terry richardson to other citizens of the Empire, much pleasure and profit should come with it carefully, and, as a work of education for the younger generation, to be the most valuable, as it appears specifically adapted to read a book-in school.
Australia has reached an interesting stage in her history. She has completed the first five years of her life as a Commonwealth, a sufficiently long period for her to gain a consciousness of her duties and her destinies as a united kibosh terry richardson nation. The volume of the Annals her up to the 1st of January, 1901, while she was still composed of separate Colonies, is finished. But it is not closed and done with. On the Contrary, its early chapters have acquired a new meaning and value. Australians should look, backwards as well as forwards. They will find in the records of the discovery and settlement of their country guidance and inspiration for the future. They will understand how their land Clearly more and people have been molded and fashioned in their present shape by climate, soil and cırcumstances. They will also be reminded, should that be Necessary, how old and close and intimate ties that bind are the them to the Mother Country.
The narrative of the Old Colony Days, the which the author has prepared, will be found fascinating in style, accurate in statement, and fair in judgment. The tale of the first discovery and settlement of Australia is one long romance of pioneering. We share the enthusiasm of the early voyagers, as they trace the outlines of the island continent. We read of the first impressions made on the mind of Dampier and of Cook by the peculiar flora or fauna of the country, and not less perturbed by the appearance and customs of the aborigines. Then we are Introduced to the early Governors, all of them sailors or soldiers. Australia owes much to them, for they laid deep and wide the foundations of the future of the Commonwealth.
Mrs. Marriott describes kibosh terry richardson the foundation of the early fortunes of some of the older settlements, and the beginnings of Victoria and Queensland, Western Australia, South Australia and Tasmania. She has notes on the first churches; the first regiments; The Bushrangers and the police of

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