Friday, July 4, 2014

In search of beaches Sabara [9]

At about the seventh grade, a new representative for the bunch of bums, Fernando, the "Yu-Gi-Oh" emerged. The nickname came quickly considering its size defect by letters according to the "older" were of the devil. Soon he got addicted Caesar and Allan, who lost several mornings playing the game. Fernando is considered the Nerd Bums and was always a bit 'silly'. But of course you all remember her powerful and bloody battle against potato, in which he gave his greatest display of fury and power, using a powerful punch in which I shudder just remembering (see Cap.4). Yugioh suddenly appeared nno group, still do not know its origin, but as the Nerd, it has its importance. Many also suspected his sexuality and he was already laughing stock of Savinho. client list lifetime Once his cap was a remarkable "white spot" and Savinho decided to call him "Gozadinha". Was visible hatred in the eyes of Fernando. We'll talk more about him in other posts. But I must comment on a curious event that occurred at the time of Mary. Once the bums decided that the Bank would need a leader, someone who spoke the last word, then decided to name the "President of the stool." Of course there were several candidates, one of them was the Gordo. It is clear that all applicants needed a good promise for application and Gordo, then decided to donate his ass if he won the contest. No other candidate had something covering it, and began racing gained fat. Unfortunately the promise was not fulfilled but the bums anxiously await the fulfillment client list lifetime of it. Do not forget to follow the next chapters and maybe Gordo fulfills the promise.
Labels: Allan tb forget the tag sometimes, I hate the Marshmallow , NEW RED DRAGON, client list lifetime So I thought client list lifetime the potato kind of boring? , One day they had to join Fernando and Allan to beat me in YGO aiai, Ba SA
huashaushaush up hj the face tao po kkkkkkkkk cobrano me guys I was promised a good politician and not a stick and I still have no fucking mo More pride you been president of the stool \ o / Delete Reply
2013 (2) February (1) January (1) 2012 (76) November (3) October (2) September (3) August (4) July (5) June (8) May (22) April (11) March (17) January (1) 2011 (142) December (13) November (23) October (3) September (15) August (9) July (10) June (13) May (25) April (31) in Class ... Allan was Mary Olintha Chapter 13 - The Final Battles Begin Friday In DOOORGAS Chapter 12 - The Secret client list lifetime Signs Montoya Salitre: The Seer Chapter 11 - Savin, the storyteller client list lifetime This post deserves! I would be afraid. A True Saiyan Chapter 10 - "Yu-Gi-Oh" Elections and the bank. FAIL Holy shit! it deserved a post A new sensation! Chapter client list lifetime 9 - The Great War Yes, I'm a Saiyan! Chapter 8 - The Beetle Entertainment client list lifetime Dario Chapter 7 - The Sharingan Trollando In FY Note on the sought ... Wanted this Bandit Chapter 6 - Training in Siberia Chapter 5 - Thiago, Nirvana. Mighty Man - Box Chapter 4-Getting the good times at the beach Theobald Chapter 3 - ACPM and the project "Imaginary Friend" Chapter client list lifetime 2 - The Magic Ba Ba Bank SA - The story is just beginning ... Allan Taker, the movie
In search of beaches Sabara [9]
EXCLUSIVE! The FBI and the new laws of SOPA, noodles, client list lifetime etc tals and, finally delete the post with a lot img Polemi ...

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