Sunday, June 8, 2014

Third Belarusian grazia italy Solidarity grazia italy stands for truth Belarusian Renaissance, whic> Belarusian Solidarity "in Donetsk liquidated instructor Russian FSB
"According to the Russian magazine" grazia italy SWAT "in grazia italy the battle for the airport Donetsk Ukrainian troops destroyed one of the most dangerous terrorists" grazia italy Donetsk People's Republic "- Russian mercenary Sergei Zhdanovicha" - wrote Butusov.
According grazia italy to him, Zhdanovich fought in Afghanistan and Chechnya, and was one of the instructors at the Center for Russian FSB Special Forces. Butusov clarifies grazia italy that it is "an elite military unit."
"19 May Zhdanovich arrived with Russian Electrogorsk in Rostov-on-Don, there illegally crossed the border of Ukraine. May 26 at the airport Zhdanovicha "covered" Ukrainian Special Forces, "- said the journalist.
On Monday, grazia italy May 26 Ukrainian troops caused an airstrike grazia italy against terrorist positions near Donetsk airport. Clashes continued until 3 am on May 27. The fighting killed two civilians and 38 combatants. According to Interior Minister Arsen Avakov, grazia italy Ukrainian law enforcement and military personnel among the dead no.
Kurapaty - Belarusian grazia italy shrine
First Belarusian Solidarity is a platform Belarusian Renaissance ideological form of communication between the Belarusians and the position of fighting the occupation anti-Belarusian regime. Her declaration of solidarity is simple and reliable, according to the principle Kalinowski: - Who do you like? - I Love Belarus. - Since mutual.
Third Belarusian grazia italy Solidarity grazia italy stands for truth Belarusian Renaissance, which says: "Do not human rights - most importantly for the Belarusians, grazia italy and independence and freedom, so there is no" human rights "under occupation." We must fight for the freedom and liberation of Belarus, instead of asking "rights" the regime and occupiers. Occupants do not give rights. They leave us the "right" to the working material for their imperial interests.
Fourth Belarusian Solidarity claims and defends the democratic values of the national national type to respect and protect all Belarusians in danger of invasive threats from Russia and to the politics of anti-national Lukashenko's regime in Belarus.
Fifth Belarusian Solidarity strengthens the soil, the course of action and ideas Belarusian struggle in defense of Belarusian grazia italy independence, language, culture, Belarusian grazia italy national ownership, property and the state of the Belarusian democratic life of the nation.
Eight Forms Belarusian Solidarity activities may be different, but should always be considered anti-Belarusian policy pro-Moscow regime in Belarus and the threat to our national, cultural and political existence. Therefore, in all cases - before the whole of Belarus. We should value all Belarusian. Respect Belarusian statehood. Respect the Belarusian language and Belarusian people. Belarus to respect the land and culture grazia italy of Belarus. Appreciate the wealth of national labor. Belarusian Belarusian must defend the danger. Byelorussian Byelorussian should help. Belarusian grazia italy Belarusian must support everywhere in Belarus grazia italy and all over the world. Friends and partners:

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