Monday, June 2, 2014

Our past Select Month March 2014 (1) February 2014 (12) January 2014 (3) December 2013 (6) November

We received emails vanity fari from readers who have discovered the blog researching topics of interest on the Internet: A dance teacher who works with social inclusion and art education with adolescents of Puma, popular neighborhood vanity fari of Salvador; vanity fari and a reader who asks the authorities to include Santo Amaro da Bahia Purification and recôncavo in the tour itineraries of Bahia, shared with us their experiences. We were happy to see that the texts of the blog have helped in reflection both of the female condition in society as in topics vanity fari that reinforce notions of citizenship, the search for culture of quality and access for all, combating prejudice. As we said at the presentation of the post Girl Talk, women can discuss any issues with the property - not that with it we desmereça male opinions, boys love when you participate! - But is that historically, the everyday has always been the territory of women. Share with you girls and boys, toasting us every day with their presence, the texts we received from Tainã and Mirela. And if you also want to enter the debate, leave a comment or send an email to @ Let chatting!
=========================== Hello girls! Enjoyed the post about the woman fruit. I'm teaching vanity fari dance workshops in a social project in Sussuarana neighborhood here in Salvador and one of the goals is awareness and even reflection on the information that the media conveys about the body and dance. This issue arose from the observation of behavior itself of male and female students, vanity fari who inspired pagoda, brought to room movements and lyrics that impressed me by its sexual connotations as well as reported in young bodies. I know the pagoda, dance it and sing it without prejudice. However I have a clear understanding of what each gesture and each word sung with bad diction, say by the way, wants to talk. However, I wonder if these my students (as) have this notion that they are dancing because the pattern or fashion or even review. Already asked that question and the silence bothered me some. I hardly understand what the singers say in the letter, however my students know by heart, even those most tangled and fast songs; then I think: they have awareness of what they are listening! Danced vanity fari the song "She's dog" and asked him to tell me what I was implying with those moves and the girls answered. "Are you saying you're with fire" With these palaras and without thinking twice, immediate response! Despite all the effort in awareness, gestures and body language itself, still can not see big changes regarding critical thinking about the information that the media conveys. I'm afraid to fail! There are so many issues to deal with, so thinking to do and so little time. We are now trying to put this reflective thought we created during classes, vanity fari a choreography that we can present to the entire community, showing them that dancing can also say something and we say that this was a step experienced in the classroom. The difficulties are now encouraging them to create dance that communicates and not the repetition of small steps coupled to a rhythm. hug,
I had never heard of the party Bembé Market. Admit to being misinformed, but also my ignorance would not be the little disclosure made of the cultural events that take place outside the capital? I agree when you said that the city of Santo Amaro is unkempt and she is not the only Reconcavo this situation. It would be nice to see the Reconcavo as a tourist route so sought after as the Chapada Diamantina, Costa do Dende, the Coconut Coast among others. Suffice it to will and commitment of the State Government.
This entry was posted in Readers vanity fari and tagged Bembé Market, Citizenship, conversation, body, dance, debate, dialogue, emails, Readers, fruit woman, opinion, prejudice, recôncavo, Santo Amaro, Sexuality, Tourism. Save permalink.
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Our past Select Month March 2014 (1) February 2014 (12) January 2014 (3) December 2013 (6) November 2013 (11) October 2013 (20) September 2013 (13) August 2013 (15) July 2013 (17) June 2013 (9) May 2013 (13) April 2013 (23) March 2013 (1) January 2013 (5) November 2012 (1) October 2012 (2) September 2012 (4) August 2012 (2) July 2012 (8) June 2012 (9) May 2012 (5) March 2012 (10) March 2012 (7) February 2012 (9) January vanity fari 2012 (16) December 2011 (34) November 2011 (35) October 2011 (35) September 2011 (49) August 2011 (31) July 2011 (37) June 2011 (54) May 2011 (26) April 2011 (

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