Monday, March 16, 2015

Business houses sors r ZS family of Foreign Life Tech Auto Art Photo Video Archive HN Respect Econo

Zuckerberg: Facebook is m dt, which I want to take care dl
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In sed firm ubnho table among hundreds of its employees. Boy VDNKh and tricks neeknou otherwise not Mark and the ONM, eu druhku running from his Priscilla. Zatmco Mark Zuckerberg looks like it stle lived with Mom, his companys value is estimated at $ 34 billion. Sv PRIVATE vloilo to jejch hands pl billion people. Nen bag clearly what the data actually so many people d chisels.
As said Cimrman, FZI oekvn std FZE am disappointed. On sociln sti Facebook allied dog 550 million people who - pepoteno per capita - would have created tet nejvt country in the world . This earth bag zan drdit options Thanks to its slightly fzlovskmi the rule for which it zanaj first hundred people opoutt. After six years UVN Facebook podlhn and the perception that it is a non-profit, public raine and horne terrigal institution Takka, you zanaj people uvdomovat, e finally furnace only is a private company that definitely does not want to nonprofit zstat. Viml you, even Google: when entered person heads to vyhledvaev anglitin How do I ... (How do I ...), that it is automatically generated as ptou otzku How can I leave Facebook?
For jejho founder estadvacetiletho it gave reasons kpemlen. Much dleitj bag for Mark Zuckerberg will be to drink; public- film The Social raine and horne terrigal Network (esky life easier online) that RDP into pichz kin. In SVM profile ptel 879 m Zuckerberg, privacy settings nejpsnj m to the regime, and in fact the ONM donedvna raine and horne terrigal much nevdlo. Te bag vychzej his portrty in Vanity Fair, Time, Newsweek, The New Yorker and dalch. Ml for the publicity would bt own the house, the film version is a lot toti unlovable person.
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News March 16, 2015 0 SJA
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