Saturday, October 5, 2013

Related ginza bargains News: New Album Be3 Be3 Involve RAN

JAKARTA - soloists Lusy Rahmawati (36) finally reunite with his friends joined ginza bargains the vocal group Be3 (formerly AB Three). Since Lusy decides to leave to undergo a solo career in the early 2000s. Then, the position ginza bargains was replaced by Cynthia Lamusu Lusy who won Grand Champion Runner Up Asia Bagus season 4 in 1994. After undergoing a long musical career, eventually renamed AB Three so Be3 (Becoming 3) in 2009 after leaving the Good Antero management. Now, Lusy express the feeling of happiness was called by his friends to be together on one stage. "I'm frankly glad to (perform in concert Be3). They are part of my life for many years. As a teenager at the time, Be3 is where I find identity," Lusi said during a press conference ginza bargains in Pisa Cafe, Menteng, Central Jakarta , Monday (30/09/2013). "For me, this is an experience I will never forget in my life," said the singer who has four solo albums ginza bargains this. (Tre)
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